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Username Daily Votes Weekly Votes Monthly Votes All Time Votes
Marty_29 Marty_29 6 12 184 3110
BratPfanneTV BratPfanneTV 6 11 170 1752
Mich45 michaelegan45 0 6 155 3711
Bizarro1221 Bizarro1221 5 9 155 2855
Mankyy Mankyy 4 9 153 1845
catscape catscape 3 7 146 3406
Nyneg Nyneg 4 7 124 1963
inman33 Inman33 2 5 121 1943
Flamin_Thongs03 Flamin_Thongs03 3 6 120 1167
LlamaMama1967 LlamaMama1967 0 5 119 1660
CrazyBunnyLady06 CrazyBunnyLady06 4 8 118 1120
asbestospants asbestospants 0 0 98 978
Ellemenopeas Ellemenopeas 6 12 97 1784
999MADS999 999MADS999 0 0 72 72
sharkyxlovex ava2universe21 0 0 58 339
RoyalMunk Royalmunk 0 0 56 840
ameeet Ameeet 0 6 54 258
styx_the_river styx_the_river 0 0 44 455
TalderR TalderR 0 6 40 1124
Cadinkis Cadinkis 0 0 29 75
SaifZoghly saifzoghly 0 0 26 131
panfriedtomato panfriedtomato 0 0 18 18
NJN_Super_Sheep NJN_Super_Sheep 0 0 18 466
isakminbroder09 isakminbroder09 0 0 17 181
WIKI_wiki00 WIKI_wiki00 0 0 11 28